Browse All : slides and Theatrical posters, Polish and Theatrical posters, Polish and jpeg and Posters, Polish from 1972 approximate

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VIII Warszawskie spotka...
1972 approximate
Cieslewicz, Roman
VIII Warszawskie spotkania teatralne, 1XII-12XII1972
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Fragmenty teatru Karola...
1972 approximate
Lenica, Jan
Fragmenty teatru Karola Szymanowskiego: Teatr Wielki w Warszawie, Muzeum Teatrlalne : wystawa 6X1972-28I1973
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Britten, Variacje na te...
1972 approximate
Lenica, Jan
Britten, Variacje na temat Purcella
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Gyubla Wahazar, Stanisl...
1972 approximate
Mlodozeniec, Jan
Gyubla Wahazar, Stanislaw Ignacy: Teatr Ateneum
Date of Original
1972 approximate
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