Absenteeism (Labor) - Pos
Adventure films - Posters
Advertising - Paneling -
Advertising - Sound recor
Aesthetics, Polish - 20th
Agriculture - Economic as
Agriculture - Economic as
Agriculture and state - P
Airlines - Poland - Poste
Alcoholism and employment
Animals - Posters
Architecture - Poland - C
Art - Exhbitions - Poster
Art - Exhibitions - Polan
Art - Exhibitions - Post
Art - Poland - Posters
Art - Poland - Warsaw - E
Art museums - Poland - Ki
Art museums - Poland - Po
Art museums - Poland - Wa
Art museums - Poland - Wi
Art nouveau - Poland - Pl
Art, Bulgarian - Exhibiti
Art, Italian - Italy - Ve
Art, Medieval - Poland -
Art, Modern - 18th centur
Art, Modern - 20th centur
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - Exhibitions
Artists - Poland - Societ
Auschwitz (Concentration
Authors, Polish - 20th ce
Autographs (Provenance)
Ballet - Poland - Posters
Bible NT Revelation - Pos
Bible. Epistles -- Commen
Bicycle racing - Posters
Birkenau (Concentration c
black-and-white photogra
Blood banks - Poland - Po
Bookplates - Poland - Poz
Books and reading - Polan
Booksellers and bookselli
Child welfare - Posters
Christian art and symboli
Christian art and symboli
Circus - Poland - Posters
Circus - Posters
Circus animals - Posters
Circus posters
color slide
Comedy films - Posters
Commercial art - Poland -
Communicative diseases in
Communism - Poland - Post
Communism - Posters
Concerts - Poland - Warsa
Contests - Posters
Coptic art - Nubia - Exhi
Coptic art - Sudan - Fara
Cyclists - Posters
Czersk (Poland) - Antiqui
Czersk (Poland) - Descrip
Dance posters, Polish
Decoration and ornament -
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Detente - Posters
Disarmament - Posters
Documentary films - Polan
Documentary films - Poste
Drama festivals - Poland
Educational innovations -
Educational innovations -
Educational technology -
Educational technology -
Entertainers - Poland - P
Environmental protection
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archaeology)
Experimental theater - Po
Fairs - Poland - Cracow -
Fairs - Poland - Warsaw -
fantasy films - Posters
Faras (Sudan) - Antiquiti
Fashion - Posters
Feature - Posters
Feature films - Posters
Feature films - posters
Festivals - Poland - Wars
Film posters - Posters
Film posters, Polish
Film posters, Polish - Ex
Fire prevention - Posters
Fishing - Poland - Poster
Folk art - Poland - Craco
Folk art - Poland - Gdans
Folk art - Poland - Post
Folk art - Poland - Zakop
Folk dancing - Poland - p
Folk dancing - Poland - S
Folk dancing, Polish - Po
Folk festivals - Poland -
Folk music - Poland - Kur
Folk music - Poland - Pod
Folk music - Poland - Pos
Folk music - Poland - Sil
Folk music groups - Polan
Folk music, Polish - Post
Foreign study - Poland -
Forest reserves z Ukraine
Forests and forestry - Uk
Frederic Chopin Internati
Gangster films - Posters
Goldwork - Italy - Exhibi
Goldwork, Ancient - Italy
Graphic arts - Mexico - H
Graphic arts - Poland - H
Heart - Diseases - Preven
Historic sites - Poland -
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1
Horror films - Posters
Hospitality industry - Po
Hunting in art - Exhibiti
Illegible markings (Prove
Industrial safety - Polan
Industrial safety - Poste
Inscriptions (Provenance)
International Children's
International Festival of
International Festival of
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
Jazz - Poland - Posters
Jazz - Posters
Jazz festivals - Poland -
Jazz musicians - Poland -
Jewish theater - Poland -
Krakow (Poland : Voivodes
Krakow (Poland) - History
Krakow Region (Poland) -
Labor unions - Poland - H
Lotteries - Poland - Post
Lungs - Diseases - Preven
Manufactures - Poland - P
Masovia (Poland) - Antiqu
Masovia (Poland) - Descri
Medicine - Poland - Histo
Medicine, Medieval - Pola
Medicine, Preventative -
Motion pictures - Poland
Museums - Poland - Krakow
Museums - Poland - Masovi
Museums - Poland - Poster
Music - Competitions - Po
Music - Poland - Posters
Music - Poland - Warsaw -
Music - Posters
Music festivals - Poland
Music festivals - Poland
Music festivals - Posters
Music in bookplates - Exh
Musical films - Posters
Musical groups - Poland -
Musicals - Auditions - Po
Musicals - Poland - Warsa
Musicians - Poland - Post
Musicians - Posters
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszaw
National liberation movem
National liberation movem
Natural history museums -
Neues Deutschland (Berlin
Nuclear disarmament - Pos
Open-air museums - Russia
Opera - Poland - Posters
Opera - Poland - Poznan -
Opera - Poland - Warsaw -
Opera - Posters
Operas - Poland - Warsaw
Operas - Posters
Orchestral music - Poland
Ostroleka (Ostroleka, Pol
Ostroleka (Ostroleka, Pol
Painters - Poland - Exhib
Painting, American - Exhi
Painting, English - Exhib
Painting, French - Exhibi
Painting, Modern - 19th c
Painting, Modern - 20th c
Painting, Modern - France
Painting, Polish - Poland
Pantomime - Poland - Wroc
Parks - Poland - Warsaw -
Peace - Posters
Peace movements - Posters
Performing arts - Auditio
Photography - Baltic Sea
Photography, Artistic - E
Physicians - Poland - His
Poland - Anniversaries -
Poland - Civilization - C
Poland - Civilization - S
Poland - Description and
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - History - 1945-1
Poland - History - John I
Poland - History - Poster
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Relations - Sovi
Police films - Posters
Polish Jazz Society
Polish literature - 20th
Political posters - Exhib
Political posters, Polis
Political posters, Polish
Political posters, Soviet
Popular music - Poland -
Posters - 19th century -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - Exhibitions - P
Posters - Poland - Exhibi
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters, American - Polan
Posters, Polish
Posters, Polish - Exhibit
Posters, Polish - Posters
Posters, Polish.
PoznanInternational Fair
Prenatal care - Posters
Public art - Poland - Kra
Public health - Nutrition
Public health - Poland -
Public health - Posters
Puppet theater - Poland -
Recitations - Competition
Rochester Institute of T
Samurai films - Posters
Satan in motion pictures
Socialism - Poland - Post
Socialism in art - Poland
Songs, Polish - Posters
Sound recording industry
Soviet Union - Anniversar
Soviet Union - History -
Soviet Union - History -
Soviet Union - Relations
Sports posters - Exhibiti
Sports posters, Polish
still image
Tatra Mountains (Slovakia
Teatr im J Osterwy w Lubl
Teatre Ateneum - Posters
Technical education - Con
Theater - Poland - Krakow
Theater - Poland - Poste
Theater - Poland - Warsaw
Theater - Poland - Wrocla
Theatrical posters
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters, Poli
Tourism - Poland - Poster
Tourism - Poland - Travel
Tourism - Ukraine - Lvivs
Traffic safety - Posters
Travel agents - Poland -
Travel posters
Travel posters - Exhibiti
Travel posters, Polish
Travel posters, Polish -
V-E Day, 1945 - Anniversa
Vernacular architecture -
War posters
Warsaw (Poland) - Descrip
Warsaw (Poland) - History
Warsaw (Poland) - Poetry
West (US) - In art - Exhi
Western films - Posters
Western films - posters
Winter sports - Competiti
Winter sports - Poland -
Women - health and hygien
World politics - 1945 - -
World War, 1939-1945 - At
World War, 1939-1945 - Ca
World War, 1939-1945 - Ca
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Po
Youth - Poland - Societie
Zoos - Posters
Show Less
Date of Original
1971 approximate
Trad: film kryminalny
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Orbis, 1923-1973: 50 lat polskiego biura podrozy
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Wystawa plakatu reklamowego: Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie grudzien1970-marzec 1971
Date of Original
1970 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Kazdy klos na wage zlota: ZMW
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Co tu jest grane: Teatr Komedia : Jan Pietrzak, Roman Czubaty
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Jósef Strús 1510-1568: lekarz i vczony doby odrodzenia wystawa w Muzeum Miasta Poznania (Ratusz), pazdziernik-grudzien1968
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Ksiazka dla Ewy: Dom Ksiazki
Slask: Panstwowy Zespot Ludowy Piesni Tanca
Date of Original
1971 approximate
30 rocznica przeprowadzenia reformy rolnej w Krakowskiem
Vingt cent ans de luttes et de victoires pour la paix et l'independence: XXVe anniversaire du mouvement mondial de la paix, 1949-1974
Poland Rzeczpospolita Ludowa: wspolnym dzielem naszych serc, umyslow i rak
Cepeliada, jarmark ludowy w stolicy, Pl Defilad, 27V73
Ewa chce spac: film produkcji polskiej
W nocy na starym rynku, Icchok Lejbusz Perec: Panstwowy Teatr Zydowski
Date of Original
1955 approximate
Date of Original
1972 approximate
West side story: slynny amerykanski musical filmowy nagrodzony 10 Oskarami
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Cyganeria, Puccini: Teatr Wielki
Nie bede cie kochac: film Janusza Nasfetera
Kraska: wloska komedia filmowa
Antoni Uniechowski: wystawa, otwarta w godz 11-19 kwiecien1974
Sanatorium pod klepsydra: film nagrodzony na MFF w Cannes, na motywach prozy Bruno Schulza
Mloda Polska & Boy: wystawa, Muzeum Literatury im Adama Mickiewicza, Rynek Starego Miasta 18/20
Zycie rodzinne: film Krzysztofa Zanussiego
Lagodna: francuski film psyhologiczny nagroda MFF w San Sebastian
Polowanie na mezczyzne
Panna mloda w zalobie
Czarna komedia, Peter Shaffer: Teatr Dramatyczny
Opercia Sw January: filmowa komedia kryminalna nagrodzona na MFF w Moskwie
Zabawa w masakre :: francuska komedia filmowa narodzona w Cannes
Arystofanes, Zaby: Teatr Rozmaitosci
Znak panny: filmowy dramat milosny
Secesia: Muzeum Mazowieckie, Plock
Miedzynarodowa wystawa ex librisu muzycznego: Poznan, Stary Rynek "Arsenal", listopad 1967
Date of Original
1974 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate