Adventure films - Posters
Agriculture - Economic as
Airlines - Poland - Poste
Art - Exhibitions - Polan
Art - Exhibitions - Post
Art museums - Poland - Ki
Art museums - Poland - Po
Art museums - Poland - Wi
Art nouveau - Poland - Pl
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - Exhibitions
Auschwitz (Concentration
Authors, Polish - 20th ce
Ballet - Poland - Posters
Bible NT Revelation - Pos
Bicycle racing - Posters
Birkenau (Concentration c
Blood banks - Poland - Po
Bookplates - Poland - Poz
Books and reading - Polan
Booksellers and bookselli
Child welfare - Posters
Circus - Poland - Posters
Circus - Posters
Circus animals - Posters
Circus posters
color slide
Comedy films - Posters
Commercial art - Poland -
Communicative diseases in
Communism - Poland - Post
Contests - Posters
Cyclists - Posters
Dance posters, Polish
Decorative arts - Poland
Detente - Posters
Disarmament - Posters
Documentary films - Polan
Documentary films - Poste
Drama festivals - Poland
Educational innovations -
Educational technology -
Entertainers - Poland - P
Environmental protection
Experimental theater - Po
Fairs - Poland - Cracow -
fantasy films - Posters
Feature - Posters
Feature films - Posters
Feature films - posters
Film posters - Posters
Film posters, Polish
Film posters, Polish - Ex
Folk art - Poland - Craco
Folk art - Poland - Poste
Folk dancing - Poland - p
Folk dancing - Poland - S
Folk dancing, Polish - Po
Folk music - Poland - Pos
Folk music - Poland - Sil
Folk music groups - Polan
Folk music, Polish - Post
Foreign study - Poland -
Forest reserves z Ukraine
Forests and forestry - Uk
Frederic Chopin Internati
Gangster films - Posters
Goldwork - Italy - Exhibi
Goldwork, Ancient - Italy
Graphic arts - Poland - H
Heart - Diseases - Preven
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1
Horror films - Posters
Hunting in art - Exhibiti
Industrial safety - Poste
International Children's
International Festival of
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
Jazz - Poland - Posters
Jazz musicians - Poland -
Lungs - Diseases - Preven
Medicine, Preventative -
Motion pictures - Poland
Museums - Poland - Poster
Music - Competitions - Po
Music - Posters
Music festivals - Poland
Music festivals - Poland
Music in bookplates - Exh
Musical films - Posters
Musical groups - Poland -
Musicals - Poland - Warsa
Musicians - Poland - Post
Musicians - Posters
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszaw
Natural history museums -
Neues Deutschland (Berlin
Nuclear disarmament - Pos
Open-air museums - Russia
Opera - Poland - Posters
Opera - Poland - Warsaw -
Opera - Posters
Operas - Poland - Warsaw
Operas - Posters
Painters - Poland - Exhib
Painting, American - Exhi
Painting, Polish - Poland
Peace - Posters
Peace movements - Posters
Poland - Civilization - C
Poland - Civilization - S
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - History - 1945-1
Poland - History - John I
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Relations - Sovi
Police films - Posters
Polish Jazz Society
Polish literature - 20th
Political posters - Exhib
Political posters, Polis
Political posters, Polish
Political posters, Soviet
Popular music - Poland -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - Exhibitions - P
Posters - Poland - Exhibi
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters, American - Polan
PoznanInternational Fair
Prenatal care - Posters
Public health - Poland -
Public health - Posters
Recitations - Competition
Samurai films - Posters
Satan in motion pictures
Socialism - Poland - Post
Socialism in art - Poland
Soviet Union - Relations
Sports posters - Exhibiti
Sports posters, Polish
still image
Teatre Ateneum - Posters
Technical education - Con
Theater - Poland - Poster
Theater - Poland - Warsaw
Theater - Poland - Wrocla
Theatrical posters
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters, Poli
Tourism - Poland - Poster
Tourism - Poland - Travel
Tourism - Ukraine - Lvivs
Travel agents - Poland -
Travel posters
Travel posters - Exhibiti
Travel posters, Polish
Travel posters, Polish -
V-E Day, 1945 - Anniversa
War posters
Warsaw (Poland) - History
West (US) - In art - Exhi
Western films - Posters
Western films - posters
Winter sports - Competiti
Winter sports - Poland -
Women - health and hygien
World War, 1939-1945 - At
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Po
Youth - Poland - Societie
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Posters, Polish of Poland
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Mistrzostwa swiata i Europy w hokeju na Poland - Lodze, Katowice, Poland, '76: World and European ice hockey championship, Katowice, Poland '76
Poludnik zero: film sensacyjny
Dziewczyna o zielonych oczach
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Ostatni seans filmowy: film amerykanski
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Technica-dydaktyka: miedzynarodowe sympozjum : Muzeum Techniki, NOT, Palac Kultury i Nauki, maj 1967
Date of Original
1967 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Synowie Katie Elder: czterej synowie mszcza smiercojca : barwny szerokoekranowy western
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Polsha: priroda mazovii, Chernia, poviat Ostrolenka, zapovednik prirodi, Voevodskii tsentr turist skoi informtsii varshava ul filtrova 57
Date of Original
1975 approximate
30 lat pracy i osiagniec kazdego z nas i calego narodu
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Panie i panowie: wlosko-francuska komedia satyrczna : nagrodzona grand prix na MFF w Cannes
Date of Original
1975 approximate
IX Miedzynarodowy Konkurs Pianistyczny im Fryderyka Chopina, Poland - Warsaw, 7-28 pazdziernika 1975
Kapitan Florian z Mlyna: barwny film kostiumowy produkcji NRD
Ucieczka, cz I i II: barwna szerokoekranowa adaptacja sztuki Michaila Bulhakowa
Sinbad: kobiety jego zycia : film wegierski
Dzielny Wojak Rosolino: filmowa komedia wojenna
Pojedynek Na Wielrze
Zbrodnia w klubie tenisowym
Kot o dziewieciu ogonach: wloski film kryminalny
Francuski lacznik: kryminalny film, nagrodzony 5 Oskarami
Drogi mezczyzn: film Czechoslowacki
Glos na sprzedaz, wloski film kostiumovy
Kopciuszck w potrzaska
Z Orbisem po kraju, polskie biuro podrozy "Orbis"
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Jan Lenica: plakaty, rysunki, retrospektywa filmow : Muzeum Narodowe i Biuro Wystaw Artystycznych w Poznaniu luty 1973
27 stycznia 1945 roku: o godzinie 15-tej jednostki armii radzieckiej wyzwolily oboz koncentracyjny Oswiecim-Brzezinka
9.V.1945, dzienzwyciestwa
Maja 1, swieto pracy i prokoju
Moj sukces, socjalistycznej ojczyznie: FSZMP
Apocalypsis cum figuris: Teatr-Laboratorium, Institut Badan Metody Aktorskiej, Wroclaw
Idiota, Fiodor Dostojewski: Teatr Dramatyczny
Potop: barwna adaptacja filmowa powiesci Henyrka Sienkiewicza
Potop: barwna adaptacja filmowa powiesci Henyrka Sienkiewicza