Absenteeism (Labor) - Pos
Adventure films - Posters
Advertising - Paneling -
Advertising - Sound recor
Aesthetics, Polish - 20th
Agriculture - Economic as
Airlines - Poland - Poste
Alcoholism and employment
Animals - Posters
Architecture - Poland - C
Art - Exhbitions - Poster
Art - Exhibitions - Polan
Art - Exhibitions - Post
Art - Poland - Posters
Art - Poland - Warsaw - E
Art museums - Poland - Ki
Art museums - Poland - Po
Art museums - Poland - Wa
Art museums - Poland - Wi
Art nouveau - Poland - Pl
Art, Bulgarian - Exhibiti
Art, Italian - Italy - Ve
Art, Medieval - Poland -
Art, Modern - 18th centur
Art, Modern - 20th centur
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - Exhibitions
Artists - Poland - Societ
Authors, Polish - 20th ce
Ballet - Poland - Posters
Bible NT Revelation - Pos
Blood banks - Poland - Po
Bookplates - Poland - Poz
Books and reading - Polan
Booksellers and bookselli
Child welfare - Posters
Christian art and symboli
Christian art and symboli
Circus - Poland - Posters
Circus - Posters
Circus animals - Posters
Circus posters
Comedy films - Posters
Commercial art - Poland -
Communicative diseases in
Communism - Poland - Post
Communism - Posters
Concerts - Poland - Warsa
Contests - Posters
Coptic art - Nubia - Exhi
Coptic art - Sudan - Fara
Czersk (Poland) - Antiqui
Czersk (Poland) - Descrip
Dance posters, Polish
Decoration and ornament -
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Decorative arts - Poland
Detente - Posters
Disarmament - Posters
Documentary films - Polan
Documentary films - Poste
Educational innovations -
Educational innovations -
Educational technology -
Educational technology -
Entertainers - Poland - P
Environmental protection
Excavations (Archaeology)
Excavations (Archaeology)
Experimental theater - Po
Fairs - Poland - Cracow -
Fairs - Poland - Warsaw -
fantasy films - Posters
Faras (Sudan) - Antiquiti
Fashion - Posters
Feature - Posters
Feature films - Posters
Feature films - posters
Festivals - Poland - Wars
Film posters - Posters
Film posters, Polish
Film posters, Polish - Ex
Fire prevention - Posters
Fishing - Poland - Poster
Folk art - Poland - Craco
Folk art - Poland - Gdans
Folk art - Poland - Post
Folk art - Poland - Zakop
Folk dancing - Poland - p
Folk dancing - Poland - S
Folk dancing, Polish - Po
Folk festivals - Poland -
Folk music - Poland - Pos
Folk music - Poland - Sil
Folk music groups - Polan
Folk music, Polish - Post
Foreign study - Poland -
Forest reserves z Ukraine
Forests and forestry - Uk
Frederic Chopin Internati
Gangster films - Posters
Goldwork - Italy - Exhibi
Goldwork, Ancient - Italy
Graphic arts - Mexico - H
Graphic arts - Poland - H
Heart - Diseases - Preven
Horror films - Posters
Hospitality industry - Po
Hunting in art - Exhibiti
Industrial safety - Polan
Industrial safety - Poste
International Children's
International Festival of
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
Jazz - Poland - Posters
Jazz - Posters
Jazz festivals - Poland -
Jazz musicians - Poland -
Jewish theater - Poland -
Krakow Region (Poland) -
Labor unions - Poland - H
Lotteries - Poland - Post
Lungs - Diseases - Preven
Manufactures - Poland - P
Masovia (Poland) - Antiqu
Masovia (Poland) - Descri
Medicine - Poland - Histo
Medicine, Medieval - Pola
Medicine, Preventative -
Motion pictures - Poland
Museums - Poland - Krakow
Museums - Poland - Masovi
Museums - Poland - Poster
Music - Competitions - Po
Music - Poland - Posters
Music - Poland - Warsaw -
Music - Posters
Music festivals - Poland
Music festivals - Poland
Music in bookplates - Exh
Musical films - Posters
Musical groups - Poland -
Musicals - Auditions - Po
Musicals - Poland - Warsa
Musicians - Poland - Post
Musicians - Posters
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszaw
National liberation movem
Natural history museums -
Nuclear disarmament - Pos
Open-air museums - Russia
Opera - Poland - Posters
Opera - Poland - Poznan -
Opera - Poland - Warsaw -
Opera - Posters
Operas - Poland - Warsaw
Operas - Posters
Orchestral music - Poland
Ostroleka (Ostroleka, Pol
Ostroleka (Ostroleka, Pol
Painters - Poland - Exhib
Painting, American - Exhi
Painting, English - Exhib
Painting, French - Exhibi
Painting, Modern - 19th c
Painting, Modern - 20th c
Painting, Modern - France
Painting, Polish - Poland
Parks - Poland - Warsaw -
Peace - Posters
Peace movements - Posters
Performing arts - Auditio
Photography - Baltic Sea
Photography, Artistic - E
Physicians - Poland - His
Poland - Anniversaries -
Poland - Civilization - S
Poland - Description and
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - History - 1945-1
Poland - History - John I
Poland - History - Poster
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Relations - Sovi
Police films - Posters
Polish Jazz Society
Polish literature - 20th
Political posters - Exhib
Political posters, Polis
Political posters, Polish
Political posters, Soviet
Popular music - Poland -
Posters - 19th century -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - Exhibitions - P
Posters - Poland - Exhibi
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters, American - Polan
Posters, Polish - Exhibit
Posters, Polish - Posters
PoznanInternational Fair
Prenatal care - Posters
Public art - Poland - Kra
Public health - Nutrition
Public health - Poland -
Public health - Posters
Puppet theater - Poland -
Recitations - Competition
Samurai films - Posters
Satan in motion pictures
Socialism - Poland - Post
Socialism in art - Poland
Songs, Polish - Posters
Sound recording industry
Soviet Union - Anniversar
Soviet Union - Relations
Sports posters - Exhibiti
Sports posters, Polish
still image
Tatra Mountains (Slovakia
Teatr im J Osterwy w Lubl
Teatre Ateneum - Posters
Technical education - Con
Theater - Poland - Krakow
Theater - Poland - Poste
Theater - Poland - Warsaw
Theater - Poland - Wrocla
Theatrical posters
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters, Poli
Tourism - Poland - Poster
Tourism - Poland - Travel
Tourism - Ukraine - Lvivs
Traffic safety - Posters
Travel agents - Poland -
Travel posters
Travel posters - Exhibiti
Travel posters, Polish
Travel posters, Polish -
V-E Day, 1945 - Anniversa
Vernacular architecture -
War posters
Warsaw (Poland) - Descrip
Warsaw (Poland) - Poetry
West (US) - In art - Exhi
Western films - Posters
Western films - posters
Winter sports - Competiti
Winter sports - Poland -
Women - health and hygien
World politics - 1945 - -
World War, 1939-1945 - Ca
World War, 1939-1945 - Po
Youth - Poland - Societie
Zoos - Posters
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Browse All
Posters, Polish and jpeg and slides and posters
Paged: school and office appliances
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Puccini, Madame Butterfly: Teatr Wielki
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Smiech w ciemnosci: film angielski nagrodzony na MFF w San Sebastian
Welcome in Polish Tatra
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Brozoza: jugoslowianski film obyczajowy nagrodzony na festiwalu w Puli
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Fort Eureka: film produkcji angielskiej
Date of Original
1954 approximate
XXXVI Miedzynarodowe Targi Poznanskie, 11-25VI1967
Date of Original
1967 approximate
Lenin, 105 rocznica urodgin
Strawinski, Oedipus rex: Teatr Wielki
Verdi, Teatr Wielki
XV lecie teatru ludowego w Nowej Hucie: sezon 1970/71
Date of Original
1971 approximate
VIII Warszawskie spotkania teatralne, 1XII-12XII1972
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Moda Polska, Poland - Warsaw
Date of Original
1964 approximate
Jezioro labedzie, Piotr Czajkowski: Teatr Wielki
Date of Original
1965 approximate
Harnasie, Szymanowski: Teatr Wielki
Date of Original
1965 approximate
Slask, grand ballet folklorique de Pologne
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Swiatowy DzienZdrowia, 7IV1974: prawidlowe zywienie warunkiem zdrowia
Loteria ksiazkowa, Dom Ksiazski
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Ochrona roslin to zdrowe i obfite plony
Date of Original
1974 approximate
Student summer in Poland with "Almatur", Travel and Tourism Office of the Socialist Union of Polish Students, 9 Ordynacka St, 00-364 Warsaw, Poland
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1971 approximate
Przyjazn, pomoc, wspolpraca :: 30 rocznica podpisania ukladu o przyjazni, wspolpracy i wzajemnej pomocy miedzy PRL i ZSRR
W pustyni i w puszezy, cz I i II: barwna adaptacja filmowa powiesci Henryka Sienkiewicza
McMasters: amerykanski western
Homolkowie na urlopie: czechoslowcka komedia filmowa
Ten okrutny, nikczemny chtopak
Date of Original
1964 approximate
Rzym: film Federico Felliniego
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Doktor Popaul: francuska komedia filmowa
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Iwan Wasiljewicz zmienia zawod: radziecka komedia filmowa
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Andriej Rublow: film radziecki nagrodzony na MFF w Cannes
Motyle, swiat dzieciecej milosci
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1974 approximate
Naszyjnik dla mojej ukochanej
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Gracz: barwna adaptacja filmowa powiesci Fiodora Dostojewskiego
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Swieta grzesznica: czechoslowacki musical filmowy
Date of Original
1971 approximate
Kochanek opolnocy: film produkcji francuskiej
Date of Original
1975 approximate
I na jawie i we snie zawsze zgodnie z BHP
Slonce wschodzi raz na dzien: ballada filmowa
Date of Original
1965 approximate
Date of Original
1967 approximate
Date of Original
1970 approximate
Pozar, wrog dobrobytu
La Pologne, paradis des pecheurs!