Search Results: Subject equal to 'Type specimens' and Who equal to 'Deberny & Peignot' and What equal to 'Still image' and What equal to 'Books' and What equal to 'Phototypesetting equipment industry - History'

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Caractères Lumitype
Caractères Lumitype
Fonderies Deberny & Pei...
type specimens
Caractères Lumitype
Fonderies Deberny & Peignot
A catalog of type specimens for the Lumitype phototypesetting machine, produced by Deberny & Peignot. Includes specimens of the Universe typeface, designed by Adrian Frutiger. University was the first typeface designed for simultaneous production as metal foundry type, the Monotype hot metal typesetting machine, and the Lumitype or Photon phototypesetting machine.
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