Adventure films - Posters
Agriculture - Economic as
Airlines - Poland - Poste
Art - Exhibitions - Polan
Art - Exhibitions - Post
Art museums - Poland - Ki
Art museums - Poland - Po
Art museums - Poland - Wi
Art nouveau - Poland - Pl
Art, Polish - 20th centur
Art, Polish - Exhibitions
Auschwitz (Concentration
Authors, Polish - 20th ce
Ballet - Poland - Posters
Bible NT Revelation - Pos
Bicycle racing - Posters
Birkenau (Concentration c
Blood banks - Poland - Po
Bookplates - Poland - Poz
Books and reading - Polan
Booksellers and bookselli
Child welfare - Posters
Circus - Poland - Posters
Circus - Posters
Circus animals - Posters
Circus posters
color slide
Comedy films - Posters
Commercial art - Poland -
Communicative diseases in
Communism - Poland - Post
Contests - Posters
Cyclists - Posters
Dance posters, Polish
Decorative arts - Poland
Detente - Posters
Disarmament - Posters
Documentary films - Polan
Documentary films - Poste
Drama festivals - Poland
Educational innovations -
Educational technology -
Entertainers - Poland - P
Environmental protection
Experimental theater - Po
Fairs - Poland - Cracow -
fantasy films - Posters
Feature - Posters
Feature films - Posters
Feature films - posters
Film posters - Posters
Film posters, Polish
Film posters, Polish - Ex
Folk art - Poland - Craco
Folk art - Poland - Poste
Folk dancing - Poland - p
Folk dancing - Poland - S
Folk dancing, Polish - Po
Folk music - Poland - Pos
Folk music - Poland - Sil
Folk music groups - Polan
Folk music, Polish - Post
Foreign study - Poland -
Forest reserves z Ukraine
Forests and forestry - Uk
Frederic Chopin Internati
Gangster films - Posters
Goldwork - Italy - Exhibi
Goldwork, Ancient - Italy
Graphic arts - Poland - H
Heart - Diseases - Preven
Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1
Horror films - Posters
Hunting in art - Exhibiti
Industrial safety - Poste
International Children's
International Festival of
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
International Poster Bien
Jazz - Poland - Posters
Jazz musicians - Poland -
Lungs - Diseases - Preven
Medicine, Preventative -
Motion pictures - Poland
Museums - Poland - Poster
Music - Competitions - Po
Music - Posters
Music festivals - Poland
Music festivals - Poland
Music in bookplates - Exh
Musical films - Posters
Musical groups - Poland -
Musicals - Poland - Warsa
Musicians - Poland - Post
Musicians - Posters
Muzeum Narodowe w Warszaw
Natural history museums -
Neues Deutschland (Berlin
Nuclear disarmament - Pos
Open-air museums - Russia
Opera - Poland - Posters
Opera - Poland - Warsaw -
Opera - Posters
Operas - Poland - Warsaw
Operas - Posters
Painters - Poland - Exhib
Painting, American - Exhi
Painting, Polish - Poland
Peace - Posters
Peace movements - Posters
Poland - Civilization - C
Poland - Civilization - S
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - Economic conditi
Poland - History - 1945-1
Poland - History - John I
Poland - Politics and gov
Poland - Relations - Sovi
Police films - Posters
Polish Jazz Society
Polish literature - 20th
Political posters - Exhib
Political posters, Polis
Political posters, Polish
Political posters, Soviet
Popular music - Poland -
Posters - 20th century -
Posters - Exhibitions - P
Posters - Poland - Exhibi
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters - Poland - Wilano
Posters, American - Polan
PoznanInternational Fair
Prenatal care - Posters
Public health - Poland -
Public health - Posters
Recitations - Competition
Samurai films - Posters
Satan in motion pictures
Socialism - Poland - Post
Socialism in art - Poland
Soviet Union - Relations
Sports posters - Exhibiti
Sports posters, Polish
still image
Teatre Ateneum - Posters
Technical education - Con
Theater - Poland - Poster
Theater - Poland - Warsaw
Theater - Poland - Wrocla
Theatrical posters
Theatrical posters - Pola
Theatrical posters, Poli
Tourism - Poland - Poster
Tourism - Poland - Travel
Tourism - Ukraine - Lvivs
Travel agents - Poland -
Travel posters
Travel posters - Exhibiti
Travel posters, Polish
Travel posters, Polish -
V-E Day, 1945 - Anniversa
War posters
Warsaw (Poland) - History
West (US) - In art - Exhi
Western films - Posters
Western films - posters
Winter sports - Competiti
Winter sports - Poland -
Women - health and hygien
World War, 1939-1945 - At
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Co
World War, 1939-1945 - Po
Youth - Poland - Societie
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Posters, Polish of Poland
A student summer in Poland: with the Almatur travel and tourism office Warsaw, 9 Ordynacka St
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Przerwij lancuch zakazen: zglos sie do poradni
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Umiera czlowiek potrzebna krew: zglos sie do najblizszej placowki PCK lub stacji krwiodawstwa
XXX Miedzynarodowe Zawody Narciarskie o Memorial Bronislawa Czecha i Heleny Marusarzowny, Zakopane, 7-9 marca 1975
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Lenica, Nagai, Tanaka: laureaci pierwszego Miedzynarodowego Biennale Plakatu : wystawa, czerwiec-sierpien1968, Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie
Date of Original
1968 approximate
Plakat turystyczny w swiece: Muzeum Kultury Fizycznej i Turystyki [i] Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie : wrzemien-pazdziernik 1973, Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Amerykanski zachod, wystawa obrazow: z organizowana przez Muzeum Sztuki Zachodniej im Amona Cartera, Fort Worth, Texas, USA : Muzeum Narodowe w Warszawie, styczen-luty 1974
Date of Original
1974 approximate
Gyubla Wahazar, Stanislaw Ignacy: Teatr Ateneum
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Pirandello, Zeby wszystko bylo jak nalezy: Teatr Dramatyczny mst Warszawy
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Przed potopem: film francusko-wloski
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Martwa fala: przygodowy film morski
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Tasmy prawdy: amerykanski film sensacyjny
Date of Original
1974 approximate
Malarstwo polskie z kolekeji Jiri Kraska w Pradze: Muzeum Narodowe w Poznaniu, pazdziernik 1969
Date of Original
1969 approximate
Romantyczni: milosc, nadzieja, nienawiscw filmie
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Kardiogram: film psychogiczny
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Pan Hulot wsrod samochodow: francuska komedia filmowa
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Date of Original
1964 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Slowo i obraz: wystawa plakatu ze zbiorow Museum of Modern Art w Nowym Jorku : Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie, czerwiec-lipiec 1971
Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie inauguracja 31 maja 1968
Student zebrak, operetka warszawska
Trzecia czescnocy: film Andrzeja Zulawskiego
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Wyszedt z domu: Dowod osobisty, Rozewicz,Tadeusz, Teatr Ziemi Mazowieckiej
28 miedzynarodowy Kolarski wysig pokoju: Neues Deutschland, Rudi Právo, Trybuna Ludu, Berlin, Praha, Poland - Warsaw, maj 1975
Cyrk: E Dowrakowski
Druga tworz ojea chrzestngo
Date of Original
1973 approximate
30 rocznica wyzwolenia Warszawy, 17 stycznia 1975
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Wojciech Zamecznik, 1923-1967: wystawa, czerwiec-sierpien1968, Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie
Date of Original
1968 approximate
Date of Original
1967 approximate
30th anniversary of victory
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Krew, darem zycia: sglos sie do najblizszej lub stacji krwiodawstwa
Date of Original
1970 approximate
Oj ciec chrzestny: film amerykanski nagrodzony 3 Oskarami
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Date of Original
1971 approximate
Trad: film kryminalny
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Orbis, 1923-1973: 50 lat polskiego biura podrozy
Date of Original
1973 approximate
Wystawa plakatu reklamowego: Muzeum Plakatu w Wilanowie grudzien1970-marzec 1971
Date of Original
1970 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Kazdy klos na wage zlota: ZMW
Date of Original
1972 approximate
Co tu jest grane: Teatr Komedia : Jan Pietrzak, Roman Czubaty
Date of Original
1975 approximate
Date of Original
1975 approximate