Browse All : Paper, Handmade of Italy - Fabriano

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Papermaking at Fabriano
Papermaking at Fabriano
Parrish, George I., 193...
oil paintings
Papermaking at Fabriano
Parrish, George I., 1930-1992
Europe's earliest Christian paper mill was established at Fabriano, Italy in 1293. In the manufacturing process, pulp was made from partially decomposed linen or cotton. This cloth was washed, pounded with massive stones or iron pestles and placed into tubs of water. The pulp was then transported to a platter-like sieve through which the water was drained but the pulp held eve. The sieve's frame was removed and the pulp was shaken evenly, integrating the fibers. Finally, the wet pulp was dried by the sun into paper.
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